Someone starts the development of a project, much earlier than the architect begins to reflect or to
sketch on a blank paper. It is a visionary; it is also called developer or client. Someone who wants
to see their dreams, their needs and their desires materialized. The architect is unrelated with this
first step carried out by the visionary although it is the most transcendental step within the
The Process. It is the process of creating, of imagining. How to explain a feeling without writing
poetry? In fact, I cannot describe my work without referring to feelings. After 25 years of career,
every work that I start is as a new workshop. It is also, the opportunity to find the essential. I
could not live without exercising my profession. It is pure passion. It is the attraction to the
abyss. However, contrary to what appear, my previous experiences and processes make the next project
more difficult than the one before. The wisdom of experience and the knowledge of previous mistakes
make the "process" to evolve into a more rational result, as well as looking for the balance between
concept and formal solution, between function and form, and between cost and efficiency. The process
defines and describes the solution. As a result, the work comes as the outcome for the solution.
The method. The method of “the process”. From the beginning there is totally and absolutely
collaboration with the visionary. First meetings, exposition of existing and developed solutions,
several revisions of the functional requirements, cost analysis, material election, everything
required to exactly define our wishes. Which destination the “process” journey will take us? And that
journey should being performed, from the beginning until the end, those who started it: the visionary
and the architect.
Defined the objective, the "process" should be proceed to define and describe a solution by unifying
in this amalgam that we call design, the technical and the creative. Both should be complementary, and
far from being antagonistic, the "process" is enriched as long as both interact. What useful is a
solution that cannot be build? How useful is a too expensive solution related to the first established
requirements? How useful is a solution that defines an unsustainable project over time? In my
“process” the technical conditions are present since the beginning, and the engineers, who collaborate
on projects, do calculus but they not design. To operate in this way is crucial that the architect has
an extensive training and experience in all technical fields: structures, sanitary facilities,
electro-mechanical installations, costs, construction processes, etc.
Honestly, I should say that all great works have visionaries behind them. Some even have an architect
who was able to define them because he was able to understand and satisfy the visionary. It is the key
of a successful work: when the architect set his talent to the service of the visionary, of the
developer or the client.